Marine Strategy Framework Directive reporting resourcesSupport files for the reporting on the 2024 update of the Articles 8, 9 and 10 |
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The following documents have been developed as guides for the reporting process for the MSFD Article 8, 9 and 10.
GD20 - Worked examples documents:
- clean version.
- version with clarifications for the reporting of the threshold value for noise.
QC rules available in RN3 for the MSFD Article 8, 9 and 10.
Updated on 20.04.2023
The platform Reportnet 3 will be used in the reporting and it is accessible in the following URL To use this new platform a EU login account is need, you can get one following this document. Once you have the new user account, please access the paltform and then contact helpdesk to ask reporter permissions for the obligation dataflow. A generic guidance on Reportnet 3 is available in the following link:
To facilitate the process of modelling MRUs, an exercise of overlapping the current MRUs with regional assessment areas has been done. The results can be accessible and downloaded from the following folder: MRU overlaps
Tabular data:
To facilitate the process of modelling MRUs, an exercise of overlapping the current MRUs with regional assessment areas has been done. The results can be accessible and downloaded from the following folder: MRU overlaps
Tabular data:
Inside the new platform you can find an option to get the previously reported data during the 2nd cycle (2018) for the Articles 8, 9 and 10.
Reportnet 3 platform also offers prefilled data from both OSPAR and HELCOM. This platform ensures access to the latest available data and information. Prefilled data can be imported in Reportnet 3 by clicking 'Import dataset data' and downloaded by clicking 'Export dataset data'.
Water Framework Directive (WFD): Extract from the 2022 reporting exercise of the status classification of the coastal water bodies (and territorial waters in the case of the chemical status) reported at the Quality Element level and provided at WFD water body level.
Prefilling for CFP regarding assessed information relating to criteria D3C1 (fishing mortality rates) and D3C2 (spawning stock biomass) per fish stock, are provided from information extracted from the latest assessments by the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES).
GEScomponent translation key: